Connecting with TTC Danforth

Connecting with TTC During a Major GO Train Service Disruption - Danforth

Connecting with TTC Danforth

Connecting with TTC During a Major GO Train Service Disruption - Danforth

Danforth GO Station to TTC Main Street Station

Getting you safely to where you need to be is our top priority. If your GO train trip has unexpectedly ended at Danforth Station due to a major service disruption, you can continue your journey using TTC from Main Street Station without paying extra.

TTC Main Street Station

Main Street Station is on Line 2, about 350 metres away from Danforth GO.

  • It’s about a four-minute walk from Danforth GO to TTC’s Main Street Station and travel between the stations is barrier-free. The TTC station is accessible and there’s an elevator to the subway level.
  • Follow the signs at Danforth GO toward Main Street Station: you’ll be going west to Main Street then north just past Danforth to the subway station.
  • When you get to the station tell the TTC collector you’re a GO customer and show your PRESTO card or GO paper ticket; you’ll be able to enter the station without paying an additional TTC fare.

What about PRESTO?

Here’s what you need to do with your PRESTO card before you leave Danforth GO:

  • If you don’t have a default trip set on your PRESTO card, tap off at Danforth GO and continue on to Main Street Station.
  • If you do have a default trip set on your card, do not tap off at Danforth GO. Continue on to Main Street Station and don’t tap off at the end of your trip.
  • If you started your trip and tapped your card at Danforth GO, press the “correction” button on the PRESTO device and tap your card on the device again to cancel your tap.
  • For other GO trips later in the day, use your PRESTO card as usual.

Travelling with a support person

If you’re travelling with a support person, show a TTC Collector your PRESTO card with the support person sticker or your support person endorsed GO ticket so they’ll be able to travel along with you for free like they usually would on GO.

What's Nearby? 

Sobey’s, KFC, Tim Hortons, Subway Restaurant, Shoppers Drug Mart, Canadian Tire, and Lowes.

Local taxis

  • Beck Taxi (416) 751-5555
  • Co-op Cabs (416) 504-2667
  • Diamond Taxi (416) 366-6868