Yorkdale Bus Terminal Station Improvement
Yorkdale Bus Terminal Station Improvement
- The Future and GO
- Construction Notice
- Yorkdale Bus Terminal Station Improvement
We're Transforming Your Station!
Pictured: 3-D rendering of the new staircases when work is complete.
The work to replace the escalators with a new staircase continues. This work will provide more safe and reliable access to the bus terminal.
Here is what you need to know:
- Access around the station will remain unchanged.
- This work will take place during off peak and evening hours.
- The elevators remain in service during this construction.
- Please follow all directional signage and use caution when moving around construction zones.
- Construction is anticipated to be complete by Spring 2025, and updates will be provided as the work progresses.
Updated December 13, 2024 | Renderings subject to change.